BullionExchange (eBLX) - effective real time cryptocurrency exchange
About eBLX Bullion exchange, which provides instant order placement and execution, free order cancellations and real-time order book updates. BullionExchange (eBLX) provides effective, supportive, responsive, real-time cryptocurrency exchanges, Bullion exchanges enable users to trade continuously without waiting for transactions to be mined, filling several orders at once, and canceling orders at any time without charge. Platform Desentralisasi Direct-To-Consumer Bullion exchanges are made to solve many cryptocurrency investor and trader problems in cryptocurrency trading, there are many problems associated with many of these exchanges, problems such as blocking user accounts, slow or no response from supprt, too much exchange maintenance and affecting many traders, so this project was created to create a great trading experience for traders, problems and solutions have been highlighted below. Problems & Solutions Some other bitcoin exchanges have some problems l...